Unity has a 3 member Selectboard. The Board of Selectmen meet on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 pm at the Unity Town Office, 74 School St.
- The Selectmen hold a work session the Monday before each meeting at 5:30pm.
- If you would like to get in touch with the Selectmen, you can call the Town Office anytime and leave a message at 948-3763 or email at unity@unityme.org.
Chair - Antonio “Tony” Avila
- Term: March 2026
- Phone: 207-649-3566
- Email: tonyavilaunity@gmail.com
Member - David Wakefield
- Term: March 2027
- Phone: (207)692-4086
- Email: david@unityme.org
3rd Position Vacant
Nomination Papers for the Select Board position will be available end of December each year at the Town Office. This is a three year term. Must be 18 years of age and a resident of the Town of Unity to run for the position.